Commissioned Paintings, Millbrook, NY, 2017-2024
Whistler House Museum of Art, In The Light of the Past- P. Ingbretson Group Show, Lowell, MA, 2023
Dutchess Day School, Portrait unveiling, Oakleigh B. Thorne, Millbrook, NY, 2022
Dutchess Day School, Portrait unveiling, School Founder-Jesse Bontecou, Millbrook, NY, 2021
Portrait Society of America- The Art of the Portrait, Invitational Fundraiser
Held in Atlanta, GA, 2019, 2017 , 2015, 2013, 2011, Washington, DC, 2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2010
City Hall, Mayor of Gloucester, Portrait unveiling, Mrs. Carolyn Kirk, 2016
Flaneur Gallery, Solo Show, Wenham, MA 2016
Portrait Commissions, North Shore, Boston, MA, 2016
St. Paul's School, Portrait commission, retired Dean of Admission & wrestling coach- J.B.Buxton, Concord, NH, 2015
Newburyport Art Association, Group Show, 2014
Laurie Holladay Interiors, Paintings for sale, Gordonsville, VA, 2014
Solo Show- portraits, landscapes & still life, Hamilton, MA, 2013
Group & Solo Art Show, Youngblood Studio, The Plains, VA, 2013
Group Show, Pandion Gallery, Fishers Island, NY, 2013
Laurie Holladay Interiors, Paintings for sale, Gordonsville, VA, 2013
Two person show, Stedman House, Charlottesville, VA, 2012
Laurie Holladay Interiors, Paintings for sale, Gordonsville, VA, 2012
Private Show for Land Preservation, Portraits, Landscapes, & Still Life, Unionville, PA, 2012
Porter Mills Studio Open House, Beverly, MA, 2012
Artrageous! Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA, 2012
Porter Mills Studio, Transformations, Beverly, MA, 2012
NDCC Fundraiser, Wenham, MA, 2012
Porter Mills Studio, Small Works, Beverly, MA 2011
Porter Mills Studio, Open House, Beverly, MA, 2011
Northeast Health System, Portrait unveiling, Pres. & CEO,- Robert Fanning, Beverly, MA, 2011
Wine Down- Art Live, Demo, Royal Sonesta, Boston, MA, 2011
Ipswich Bay Yacht Club, Local artists, Ipswich, MA, 2009
St. Paul's School, Portrait , Dir of Admis, Dean of Students, Girl’s hockey coach- Mr. Sanford Sistare, Concord, NH, 2009
Tavern Club, Tribute to R.H. Ives Gammell, Boston, MA, 2008
Solo Exhibition, portrait, landscapes & still life, privately held, Hamilton, MA, 2008
Northeast Health System, Portrait unveiling, Pres & CEO- Dr. H. Ramini, Beverly, MA, 2008
Fenway Studio,Open House, Boston, MA, 2008
Wildlife Conservation Society, Benefitting wildlife, Prides Crossing, MA 2008
Northeast Health System, Portrait unveiling, Pres Med Staff- Dr. H.Bistrong, Beverly, MA, 2007
Artist's For a Cure, Benefitting research for the MGH, Hamilton, MA, 2007
Fenway Studio Copley Society, Open House, Boston, MA, 2007
Masters of Foxhounds, Centennial Traveling Exhibition, 2007
Fenway Studio, Open House, Boston, MA, 2006
Fenway Studio, Open House, Boston, MA, 2005
Essex Shipbuilding Museum Show, organized & exhibited, Essex, MA 2004
Mother Caroline Academy, Auction Item, Dorchester, MA 2004
Ducks Unlimited, Auction piece, Boston, MA, 2004
Harvard Club, Landscape exhibition, Boston, MA, 2004
Individual Show, portraits, landscapes, & still lie, Hamilton, MA, 2004
NYC River Club -Assistant for ballroom & stairwell mural, NYC, NY, 2003
Mother Caroline Academy, Auction item, Dorchester, MA 2002
Annual National Academic Artists Assoc. Exhibition, Springfield MA, 2002
Individual show, Paris Watercolors, Benefitting Beverly School for the Deaf, Les Zygomates, Boston, 1999
Exhibitor & Member, Bermuda Dockyard Gallery, Bermuda, 1997-1999
University of New Hampshire ,Alumni Show, Durham, NH,1997
St. Paul's School, Alumni Show, Concord, NH 1997